Let’s meet, Magick One

Select the play icon to meet me and hear my awakening story.


Hope Dealer ~ Magick Weaver ~ Eternal Optimist

I’ve always believed in magick.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been fascinated with the mysteries of life and what lies beneath the surface. With a moon in Scorpio, I’m drawn to shadow work and the deeper existential themes, I ask myself,

What is the meaning of life? What happens to us beyond death? What is my purpose?

Experiencing spiritual awakening through Kundalini activation at a young age was both a blessing and a great challenge. I began to gain insight into those big questions, yet I was living in a world where many others seemed locked in a state of limited possibility and foresight.

I felt disillusioned and, at times, depressed.

So, I kept quiet about my experience and followed the well worn path of university and a corporate career in the fast-paced digital media industry, which showed what severe burnout, lack of fulfilment and total heart disconnection felt like. Of course, the ‘universe’ came for me with an intense Tower moment to align me to my path of purpose…

I invite you to watch the video above of my awakening story and how I connected with my calling.

“The lotus begins its journey in the mud, fights through the water where it blooms on the surface. We all have a wild lotus within, waiting to unfold. My purpose is to shine the light to help yours find its way and blossom to its fullest potential”

Certifications & qualifications

I hold these certifications in addition to my university degree:

Reiki energy healing level 1, 2, 3A (Usui System of Natural Healing)

Somatic sexology, relating and embodiment (Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy)

Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition (Cornell University)

Landmark graduate

Relevant awards

Platinum LearnX award for ‘Best Wellbeing Program in Australia’ (Lead Learning Designer)

Consulting with Relationships Australia creating conscious relating content for public consumption